Contract: Pravidelný servis, revize a údržba automatických dveří, rolovacích mříží, sekčních vrat a pohonů v obvodu OŘ Praha 2022-2024

Contract information

Subject items

Procurement documents

Qualifications documentation not provided (or is part of procurement documents).

Procurement documents are provided electronically with direct access.

Procurement documents - files download

Explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents

Date Message type Sender Subject r.
06.06.2022 09:29 explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents Pavlína Schmittová Doplnění zadávací dokumentace    

Public documents

No records to display.


Form title Type State Published in E-ZAK Published in VVZ
Opravný interní formulář k veřejné zakázce E01 published 06.06.2022 ---

URL addresses

URL title URL address
URL of the public contract in E-ZAK

Contract performance