Contract: Soubor 2 staveb: A: „Rekonstrukce PZS přejezd P7548 v km 44,644 trati Olomouc – Krnov“, B: „Doplnění závor na přejezdu P7551 v km 48,851 trati Olomouc- Krnov“

Contract information

Subject items

No records to display.

Procurement documents

Qualifications documentation not provided (or is part of procurement documents).

Procurement documents are provided electronically with direct access.

Procurement documents - files download

Title Description File name Size
Zadávací dokumentace Zadávací dokumentace Archiv ZIP ZD_Soubor_staveb_Olomouc_Krnov .zip 36.57 MB

Explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents

No explanation, completion or changes of procurement documents to show. Check also the block Procurement documents.

Public documents

No records to display.


No records to display.

URL addresses

URL title URL address Action
URL of the public contract in E-ZAK

Contract performance